A brief presentation of Local Action Group (LAG - AN.OL. S.A)
The Development Agency of Olympia S.A (AN.OL.S.A.) is a company of members of Local Authorities according to the article 291 paragraph 1(a) of P.D 410/95 M.C.C.
The company was founded in 1997 by the resolution 1140/1-4-97 of Ilias’ Prefecture and was published in Government Gazette 5465/28-7-1997.
The company is situated in the town of Krestena of Andritsena-Krestena municipality.
Main aims of the company are the promotion of the development of mountain and disadvantageous areas and more generally of the prefecture, the technical support of local authorities, and prefectures’ organizations for the exploitation of local resources.
The share capital of the company is 201.000.00 euros, and shareholders are members of the local authorities. The total of the shareholders includes almost all area of Ilia Prefecture.
Our Activities
The Development Agency of Olympia SA (AN.OL.SA) has good knowledge of the area that gained through the implementation of different programs in the last 22 years. ANOL has studied all the social economic conditions that exist in order to plan and implement programs that promote economic and social development.